
My View

It's Skywatch Friday, and  our sky  -just outside the window -has been absolutely incredible in the past 24 hours....
I glanced out, and this little rainbow caught my eye. It must be raining in Westmeath.

Ten minutes later, the cloud lifted. Literally.

Early the next morning, the show was still on...and the sky was ablaze.

Imagine having a wall this colour.  I did.

visit Skywatch Friday for views from all over the world


Jim said...

Great colours in those skies.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

VioletSky said...

I have a wall that colour!
What a gorgeous, gorgeous, view you have!!

Good to be a Queen said...

What a beautiful display of nature....These shots are wonderful....

Julie said...

In this world of overkill, there is much to be said for the understatement. You achieve this admirably, Susan. Especially with that middle creation. I admire it tremendously.


Marites said...

the first clouds look like they're kissing the waters! I just love both photos but my fave is the 2nd one. awesome colors!

Japa said...

All three are beautifully captured. Third is a favorite.

John Freeman said...

what a wonderful place you live

calistomusik said...

wow - beautiful place to wake up to! Right now in my apartment I'm listening to someone yelling through the wall at someone in a foreign language...
wish I was there for coffee at this moment!

all your photos are just gorgeous!! I've never seen a hawk up close, but even in the sky they are incredible to watch.